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Jim Douglas

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  1. I’m using a RV Starkink up in northern Canada. Usually I connect & disconnect the system at beginning & end of each day. The cable does not like/is not rated for cold temperatures & becomes very stiff & brittle in cold temperatures. So brittle that, unplugging it at the end of one day. The cable sheath cracked open right at the base of the connection at the dish. (Thankfully the wires are still intact & the unit still functions). And I now only partially disassemble the system, leaving the connector at the dish/stand in place & store the dish unit while travelling inside the vehicle with the cable coiled loose, but still connected to the dish. Don’t even want to try and coil the cable as it feels like It’ll result in more cracking. My questions are 3-fold: 1) anyone know or suggest a sourcing of cabling & connector-type that won’t become so fragile in cold temperatures (perhaps to make my own, cold weather compatible cable)? 2) why is it so difficult to connect with a StarLink “feature request” service (actually feel the company hasn’t made any effort to allow customers to connect with them). I’d like to suggest to Starlink to re-spec the cable they use to something that is more cold temperature compatible. 3) and is anyone else having similar experience? And potentially have a suggestion to improve this issue? Cheers!
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