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Everything posted by jebbrecht

  1. Sorry, opening line says wife and meant wifi. Auto correct got me. Extending my wife to the outbuilding would be a treat though. Getting her out there to do work is quite a chore.
  2. I am trying to extend my starlink wife to an outbuilding that is about 200 feet away from where my starlink router is located. Previously I had Spectrum and connected a TP Link CPE210 to my existing router and set it up as an Access Point with a second TP Link CPE210 in the building as the Client and then connected that to a TP Link AC1350 to create a wireless zone in the outbuilding. I purchased the Ethernet Adapter, and connected this to my TPLink CPE Access Point and have the other TP Link devices connected to the Access Point, but there is not internet service. The LAN light is not lit up on the Access Point and Client. Do I need to add a 3rd party router to the set up between the Starlink Ethernet Adapter and the CPE210? Or do I need to make sure my Access Point, Client and wife extender are all on the same subnet as the Starlink router? Currently, they are running on 192.168.0.XX and I understand that the Starlink router runs in 192.168.100.xx.
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