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omeSz last won the day on July 5 2023

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  1. omeSz

    2 IPs?

    I'm a bit confused, if i open an IP detection site especially ipleak.net, i get this: What does this mean? I have 2 IPs? I am connected to 2 servers?
  2. My country is designated for Starlink in 2024 Yet my 2 Starlinks are working: A Global Roaming from the US, and a Regional Roaming from a neighboring country currently ordering 2 more Regionals from another country on the same continent Loving how Starlink is ruining government monopolies and deliberate isolation on rural places
  3. the only thing you ever need to activate a starlink Roam, is the Starlink App. Even if you unbox a brand new Starlink Roam in the middle of nowhere, No Cell No People No clothes, it will work if you already have the app. And electricity.
  4. I've bought multiple starlinks. The SSID that showed up was different. They play too much. My US one had STINKY And my Australian one had AVANZA BIN Later, another starlink had just STARLINK
  5. I sold one of my starlink to a friend last month. There were 2 things that i had to do: 1. Cancel the ongoing service 2. Transfer the starlink kit itself (so it would no longer be registered in my account) Both are in the starlink account menu. I would imagine the problem is there's no way to immediately know that a starlink unit is still bound or not during transaction
  6. I'm in rural area where the local state utilities company is corrupt and incompetent. It's fairly frequent that our power voltage dips to 180volts, instead of the 220volts its supposed to be. Would this damage the Starlink unit?
  7. It's all subjective, but I feel like this has happened to me too in the past, some months ago. I'm a guy with my own method of password so i'd never forgot, but they said i put invalid credentials anyway. But it wasn't a big deal, i just follow the reset password through the email, and then still use my password method. hasn't got any credentials problem since.
  8. Regional Roaming service description in the TOS is as follows: Starlink Roaming “Regional” Plan allows you to access Services at any land-based destination within the continent that you place your Order So in the case of Philippines, what countries are considered the same continent as Philippines?
  9. So, some update, As of today, day 6 of sending out support ticket, out of the blue, all my troubles are gone. with 1 catch; i got lower speed and more latency. i found that my domain (or whatever it's called) has been moved to Tokyo. Previously, it's Jakarta. So i assume they probably moved the domain serving my starlink unit. Similar with what this guy did. I'm not 100% sure, i'm not an IT guy. and despite this development, they still haven't respond to my support ticket and it's still open. I hope this lasts. Or even gets better. #BetterThanNothing
  10. Yes, it helps, thank you for your explanation. i will also add that there are other restrictions too. Namely, i can't use PC with the starlink. my laptop, connecting through wifi, can't access anything even though my phone can access the things i mentioned above. Also, if i tried to create a hotspot with my phone, or use a VPN from it, i immediately lose access. Don't know if that's normal with starlink. And hilariously, i also can't access starlink's site itself. therefore, i can't login in the starlink app in my phone, and can't change the wifi name and password. And the app says Starlink is offline, even though i'm doing youtube and having 77Mbps speed test result in the phone. i have already asked support, but i am still waiting for their reply (it has been 4 days). in the meantime i will try the starlink-compatible VPN. A bit of background about indonesia: Despite being not yet available in starlink availability map, the government announced they will exclusively partner with starlink by having starlink in their "backhaul" network, but there WILL be no starlink retail service in indonesia. This came in June 2022. However, around October 2022, the government telecom company announced they SELL starlink units with: USD 1600 installation price, and a monstrous monthly price of USD 2000-USD 16000 according to how much speed you want (max at 100 Mbps down), and as a corporate-only product. So they basically monopolized starlink and resell it with 100X its monthly price.
  11. So i'm an indonesian, with an australian RV starlink, here in the remote Papua mountains. My starlink arrived 1 week ago, functional, with acceptable speeds, but it can't access 99% of indonesian sites and services, and around 50% of sites and services in global internet. For example i can access the entirety of Google's and Facebook's sites, but not Twitter, reddit, tiktok, and many others. Does anyone know why? and any solution?
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