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Starlink Forum Lurker

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  1. Thanks , I was hoping to avoid that.. thinking I will just eat the money and go back to my old carrier.. it was much better....
  2. I have two starlinks both are set up on the roof the houses and no trees or obstetricals in the way. one startlink i get speed of 120 down and 100 when connected straight to the starlink wifi. as soon as I hook up a router tried several. one was a nighthawk, apple and others. My speeds go down to 10 down and 8 up. this is either hardwired to router or router wifi. On the other Starlink about 300 feet away form the other one. I get 10 down and 10 up or worst.,.all the time on any connection. any ideas what happening? thank you in Bradley. California at lake nacimiento
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