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Everything posted by Alex1881

  1. Maybe he can come over to your place with his equipment to set it up. If I well understand you have starlink, hence you have Wifi. Or cell reception should be even available at your place, cause you were able to set up your equipment
  2. Maybe you can try a VPN? Possibly some VPN providers have an exit node somewhere around Boston. Or somewhere acceptable by HULU. not very satisfactory though.
  3. Hello, Many thanks for having me here on the forum, I am from France and the fiberoptic infrastructure here is a complete disaster. Therefore I thought starlink would be my lifesaver. Like a couple of other innocent people, not knowing the complications around used kits, I blindly purchased a second hand kit and I cannot activate it, as someone else's account is on that kit. I have read a lot about it and it seems to be a kind of dead end, as starlink support requires an account number, but without a working kit, one cannot create an account. In this forum, I have read about the email starlinkresolutions@spacex.com. I will attempt to ask for help there. However I would like to know whether anybody here has received elp in a similar case from starlink. It is importat for me to know, because I have entered into a litigation with the seller and in order to get support from the buyer protection of the marketplace where I purchased the kit, I need to know whether there's any chance to get this resolved through Starlink. Many thanks in advance for your precious help. Alexander
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