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  1. Recently Voip stopped working properly on Starlink services that were rebooted by a power cycle, no speech (RTP traffic). An issue that Starlink may or may not be working on or even aware of as their technical support is non-existant. I am considering a VPN service to solve this, but as the phones are devices, it has to be a hardware VPN solution. I dont even need it to make us appear in another country as its just to get around the SIP-ALG and recent RDP routing issue. Any suggestions on a simple VPN harware provider solution? Regards
  2. VOIP ISSUE - NO SPEECH We have been experiencing issues with Voip since the weekend starting Monday 8/4/24. Our Voip provider (Vonex) has been working very well until this time. There was a power outage over the weekend which may have triggered this. 2 other customers in our area who interestingly are also on Starlink with Vonex phones in the same area are also experiencing the same issue. They also expereienced the power outage. The issue isnt with registration but with NO SPEECH in either direction on most calls, but not all. What has Starlink done? Given that all 3 customers are exeriencing this it is a Starlink issue. Vonex report that they have a sudden increase in other customers on Starlink who also report this issue. If it happens after a power cycle of the Starlink equipment, then its fair to say that the issue wil only get worse as more sites inevitably reboot their equipment. I can't see why CGnat is the issue because it has been working OK for months, maybe a year. Have Starlink enabled SIP-ALG ? Can it be checked if its on and then turned off? How? Does anyone have any thoughts on thus issue. We have had to resort to a 4G backup just for the phones.
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