I have been using DSL in my rural community with my 7 DECO Mesh UNits for a couple years - ZERO PROBLEMS - I love them! As you can imagine - DSL is very slow - 25 MB Down and 3 UP.
We just installed a StarLink Gen 3 unit - and WOW - we are getting 300 MB Down and 35 UP - it's like working in my office in the city.
Here is my issue:
I removed the connection from our DSL Modem out of the main DECO - an X55 - that DECO had one Ethernet connection coming from the DSL modem into PORT1 and 1 Ethernet connection from the DECO PORT 2 to a 16 Port NetGear Switch - again this is the setup we have been using since thw DECO's were 1st installed. Our wireless devices using the WiFI from the DECO MESH and the physical devices - TV's, Printers, camera's using IP from the physical LAN network off the Switch
I took one of the Starlink Gen 3 Router ports and replaced where the DSL connection was removed from off the DECO - it worked perfectly - for about 3 minutes - and them all of my DECO's turned RED.
After an hour of doing some testing - I have found that I can not have a connection from the DECO to the SWITCH and the StarLink Router at the same time - or it kills the network!!!!
How am I going to get my physical network back???? I need to be able to use the DHCP from the DECO - HELP!!