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  1. Hi StarlinkLeader, thanks for you answer! Let me add a couple more questions: 1) The virtual cards I usually use are created from a pre-paied card using my bank app. Since I cannot use, as you mentioned, the base prepaid card...do you think I could use one virtual card to buy all the six kits and pay the first month for each kit? These virtual cards expire within 5 days so... I should replace the old virtual card into my account with a new one each month to let Starlink to take the montly payment for the service. Is going to work in this way or changing account card each month is not allowed? 2)You mentioned Apple Pay... is Google pay supported too? Thanks in advance for your answers. Regards Xavier
  2. Hello, I need to purchase six Starlink Maritime kits, each with a 24-month subscription, on behalf of a client. However, I am facing an issue with the payment method: as a company, we use virtual cards that are valid for only five days and can be used for a single transaction before they expire. I would like to clarify: 1. Is it possible to purchase all six kits and their subscriptions in a single transaction? 2. If not, can I make six separate purchases using different cards without any issues regarding activation or account management? Can I use the same credit card to purchase all SIX kits? Are virtual cards accepted? 3. Is there an alternative payment method that would better suit our needs? Thank you for your support! Xavier
  3. Hello, I need to purchase six Starlink Maritime kits, each with a 24-month subscription, on behalf of a client. However, I am facing an issue with the payment method: as a company, we use virtual cards that are valid for only five days and can be used for a single transaction before they expire. I would like to clarify: Is it possible to purchase all six kits and their subscriptions in a single transaction? If not, can I make six separate purchases using different cards without any issues regarding activation or account management? Is there an alternative payment method that would better suit our needs? I have already written to Starlink support twice, but they don’t reply! Thank you for your support!
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