I assume you mean a circuit breaker tripped. I don't know anything about a safety switch. Starlink doesn't draw enough power to trip a breaker.
Please post this on: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/?f=flair_name%3A"💻 Troubleshooting"
You may get better troubleshooting there.
The notch is right there in your picture, however it looks like the cable is in wrong. Is the notch you are showing on the Dishy end or is that the pole. The connector should be pointing up to insert into Dishy's end. I did run mine outside the pole for a couple weeks until it failed. The connector on my cable was bad. A new cable fixed the issue and it is inside the pole now.
Here is my connector end. Note that cable lies flat when installed on the pole. Your connector looks different and is confusing......
I would leave it on the 40 foot tower. Raising it up that high does not affect performance, but the obstructions will on your rooftop. Do not rely on speed tests, they will be all over the place depending on time of day and other factors.
I have a Linksys Easymesh router that was connected to the DSL modem. I used the Starlink unit and the old DSL with WIFI at the same time. When my ethernet adapter came, I plugged the cable to it rather than the DSL modem. After a reboot all was connected fine. I ran it like that for 6 weeks or so. At some point I enabled Bypass mode. I had no problems before or after enabling Bypass. I hope this helps.
Please reseat all connections, power cycle the modem/power supply and then let it boot up. Be patient it may be finding itself. It could also be a bad cable or one of the connectors.
No. You can shorten it by cutting out a section and splicing it. If you are confident in your ethernet cable splicing abilities. If you do, have a spare good cable handy in case. Personally, I would just leave the excess coiled up and hide it.
I ran my 150 foot cable trough PVC electrical conduit and mounted Dishy on a pole. No obstructions here but on my roof there are a few. The conduit is necessary to protect the cable from critters and where it crosses our lawn, from the lawn mower.