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  1. Good day, I live in Odessa, Ontario, Canada where the coverage is planned for 2023. I am nomadic #vanlife and I am currently with Telus as my main internet provider with a hotspot 4G LTE. My question is quite simple, before investing in 5G hotspot for 670$ which only work where cell signal reaches, based on many nomadics suggestions, I am looking into Starlink to be my main internet acces. Odessa is in dark blue area and based on your map, planned coming in 2023. IF i get Starlink, and this goes for wherever I go, not being prioritized of course, will the signal still work in those dark blue area (with likely a weaker signal) or not at all. For me internet is very important and consistency in the signal, 10-15 Mbs is enough but at the moment with Telus, I have a lot of foliage between my location and the cell tower causing constent interference and there are a lot of drops going between 60-.5 Mbs.... You read right .5Mbs, you can't open a web page on a computer with that... and being a vanl lifer mean that i chose that lifestyle to be mobile, and Telus won't always be there (traveling in the US for example) and Starlink is more attractive in tay way. Additionally, the initial investment is similar for both devices so, not a big difference for me. So, to sum things up, I understand about priority based on home address, but will Starlink works on dark blue area without garantee of priority and signal strenght/speed? Thank you for your time. Dave Croft
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