So this is my plan. Antenna on post in best location. 125 ft to greenhouse. With 150 fr Starlink cable) (Can I bury this cable?). Connect Starlink router in greenhouse . 200 ft from Ethernet adapter to house with cat 6 buried Ethernet cable . Connect to accesspont in house.
? Starlink in pass through mode?
help appreciated
My best spot for antenna is about 200-220 ft away
i have 75 and 150 ft Starlink cables. Can I join them together with some sort of adapter?
or can I connect Starlink router to a second router or access point with Ethernet cable?
My best spot for antenna is about 225 ft from base. I have 75 ft and 150 ft Starlink cable. Can I join them together with some kind of adaptor?
if not, I would use Ethernet link(cat 6) and a second router. What third party router is best?