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  1. I've been using my Eero Pro 6 into the starlink router without bypass for several months now and it's performed fine. With the upcoming data cap, should I bypass the Starlink router to save some use, or does it matter? I've not connected anything to the starlink router-hosted wifi....
  2. Well their estmate of 1TB seems way low. The two of us stream video, and work some using cloud support, and video conference and such from time to time. No gaming, Right now my account shows over 500GB usage since 10/28. I've no idea what this would be like with a couple of teens in the house gaming and homework etc. 1TB doesn't seem legit as a "huge user" number.
  3. I plugged my eero pro 6 into the ethernet port, works fine, no changes to my local network, no problems with anything. I've not put the starlink router in bypass mode.
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