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  1. At all times I used the included cable. In fact, in the circular model you cannot disconnect the cable that goes to the dish. At first glance, I don't see where water could have entered the cable, everything looks in good condition. I imagine that it somehow got through the dish, because the cable has no damage. Thank you for the quick response, stay tuned to reply.
  2. I have contracted the Starlink service (round disk) since November 2021. Last week there was a moderate rain (here in Chile it does not rain very hard) that somehow caused water to enter INSIDE the antenna cable reaching the source of power and causing the service to stop working. All kit installation instructions were followed to the letter, and all recommendations mentioned in the manual were taken into consideration. I have checked the disk and the cable and everything looks in good condition and without any damage caused by us. I have been contacting customer service for several days and they tell me that "At this time, the warranty will not cover weather-related damage" giving me the only solution to buy a new kit again paying all the cost myself. It does not seem acceptable to me that this is the solution that they are giving me, since Starlink is a service that is said to be resistant to different weather conditions, especially rainwater. I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this situation.
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