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Online Q&A with students

Kjeld Vrauwdeunt

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We are a group of students from the Netherlands who are very interested in Starlink. We would like to have a small Q&A (half hour max) to gather some more information. The Q&A would be online and consumers or someone from the company are welcome! We are available on Wednesday 27-09-2023 anywhere between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm CEST. Is anyone interested? 

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@Kjeld Vrauwdeunt

First of all, sorry we missed your window of opportunity. There is activity here on StarlinkForum.net pretty much around the clock, but I am one of the major contributors and only check in a couple of times a week.

StarlinkForum.net is a collection of Starlink Users who come here to share our experience with Starlink. We are not able to speak for for Starlink. To my knowledge, there are no Starlink employees in these forums.

If you are still interested in having someone from StarlinkForum participate in a Q&A session on some future date, please reply here. I am copying @StarlinkLeader who is the creator of StarlinkForum.net.


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