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No postal address in Spain, can't send equipement to the Netherlands.


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I have A seconde home in Spain where I want to use Starlink. But My home has No postal address so they can't send the equipement to it. 

I can not send it to the Netherlands where I live on the Starlink site if I want to use it only in Spain. 

Anyone have A smart solution? 

Kind Regards 


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Find a place in Spain near your home that will let you have the equipment delivered there. In the US, Walgreen's stores do that. You could also ask Starlink to have it held at the shipper's final terminal near your home so you could go and pick it up. That'll require reaching out to them before ordering at StarlinkResolution@spacex.com.

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Thanks for your reply. 

The point is we Just bought the house and are ging back to the Netherlands for A short period. We tried to find A delevery address or A shop but without succes. 

I'm thinking to buy the dish in the Netherlands and activate it in Spain but I'm not certain if that Will work. 



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