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Can't set up account


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Purchased Starlink from Best Buy, everything set up fine till I go to open an account. I enter my KIT # and hit open new account. The next screen that shows up has enter your address. The problem is its a split screen and the lower one covers the slot where you add the address and I can't get it to go away. I'm going to try to add a picture. It happens whether I use my Samsung or switch to my company IPhone. I'm old so not to tech savvy. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I need to get rid of where it says

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Purchased Starlink from Best Buy, everything set up fine till I go to open an account. I enter my KIT # and hit open new account. The next screen that shows up has enter your address. The problem is its a split screen and the lower one covers the slot where you add the address and I can't get it to go away. I'm going to try to add a picture. It happens whether I use my Samsung or switch to my company IPhone. I'm old so not to tech savvy. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I need to get rid of where it says

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This may be a limitation of the screen size on your mobile device. I've not heard of anyone having this issue -- though that doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Being unfamiliar with the situation you are describing, I see two things you can do here.

1. Wait for someone else in these forums to respond with a solution.

2. Reach out to Starlink Support via email. The email address is StarlinkResolutions@spacex.com.


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Thanks for the reply.  As I mentioned it happens on both my IPhone and Samsung so made me believe it's not them, it's coming from the website. I'll drop them an email and keep trying. I uploaded a screenshot to show what it's doing. Again it's the bottom half of the screen I can't get to drop away.



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