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Installed my Gen 2 Starlink yesterday.  My dish is mounted on the roof of my MotorHome with zero obstructions . For the moment I have the router located in the basement of the MotorHome. The speeds I'm getting are lower than expected about 42-45 Mbps and 33ms Latency.  While these speed have been good enough for my Firestick streaming and e-mail etc, I was anticipating 100Mbps and above as others are getting close by (were wintering in a RV resort outside of Phoenix). i ran an advanced speedtest and Device to Router was 238Mbps, 362 Mbps upload and Router to Device (my iPhone) was 43 Mbps, 4.3 Mbps upload.

Can anyone advise why I'm getting such great speed from Device to Router then  significantly slower speed Router to Device? Is it because I have the router located in the MotorHome basement surrounded by framework etc?

Any input would be appreciated. Thank You.

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Those would be good speeds for DSL, but are certainly lower than expected for Starlink. Have you tried rebooting the Starlink Router and Antenna (“Dishy”)? 

Is the Starlink mobile app reporting any instruction?

have you spot the 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz networks in the mobile app?

Do you have other WiFi networks in your home? Do you have neighbors nearby whose WiFi networks might be reaching your home and interfering with Starlink?

There are many reasons that your Starlink speeds might not be as fast as you’d expect. 

I also suggest your open a ticket with Starlink Support. There is a post in these forums under Starlink Resources that outlines the procedures for contacting Starlink Support. I would drop a link in this message, but I don’t have easy access on my phone.

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