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Info on Starlink Business

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Good Morning, 

couple of questions on Starlink Business: 

  1. Is it possible to switch plans after you sign up for a specific one? 
  2. Does Business Plan allow to have a static IP instead of a frequently changing one? 
  3. After the 30 days trial, is there a minimum contract duration?

Thank you

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I believe you will be able to switch to any plan supported by your hardware. Business plans require a Business Kit. This is essintially, the the High Performance Kit. The HP kit is much more expensive than the Standard kit ($2,500 vs. $600) and the Business-class service has a higher monthly fee. I think it's $500/mo for Business.

As I understand it, a Static IP address is possible if you have the Business Plan. However, I don't know if there is any additional cost associated for the static IP address.

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