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Virtual Work, VOIP, VPN

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Does starlink support a work fom home environment?

Have Internet service with a current broadband provider (cable line in the ground), and get up to 300Mbps.

This service currently supports activities like making & receiving numerous VOIP calls, daily, and accessing employer based computer systems via employer's VPN .

Work is primarily customer service related, with heavy VOIP phone usage, and VPN, daily.

Will Starlink be able to provide enough bandwidth, and low enough latency, reliably, to support these activities?

Will Starlink be able to replace current broadband ISP?


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Hi Yuda


Yes - It can however I wouldn't rely on the RV service because it gets lesser priority.

If you're running a VPN it will assist very much so with connectivity.


However do take note, there is regular firmware updates and network changes being made. If i were you i would investigate running a peplink router enabling you to run multiple internet connections and run your own traffic endpoints if required - Then you can VPN across that with excellent reliability/redundancy.



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  • 1 year later...

Recently Voip stopped working properly on Starlink services that were rebooted by a power cycle, no speech (RTP traffic).

An issue that Starlink may or may not be working on or even aware of  as their technical support is non-existant.

I am considering a VPN service to solve this, but as the phones are devices, it has to be a hardware VPN solution.

I dont even need it to make us appear in another country as its just to get around the SIP-ALG and recent RDP routing issue.


Any suggestions on a simple VPN harware provider solution?



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