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Starlink dish initial setup problem

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I am attempting to launch my starlink for the first time the dish will not align it stays in disconnected mode and it is been 60 minutes. I have tried rebooting and factory resetting nothing has worked it is currently plugged in the modem light is on white and there are no blinking lights in the front of the modem. If you could help me get this dish to start aligning itself somehow I would appreciate it. 


I paid 2 months up front already and I haven't seen the service in action yet so I would appreciate a prompt response thank you very much




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Hi @Redvv

Sorry to hear of your unpleasant experience with starlink.


Have you checked the base of the dishy pole? - Referencing the below post, They had an issue where dishy would go offline unless the connection was tight.

Otherwise have you double checked that dishy is infact powering on? Has it aligned itself at all? or staying in one position?

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I owe you a giant sloppy kiss my friend, soon as i played with the dishy connection, the dish started moving! so now i got out of the disconnected no power warning on my app, and it is in searching mode for the last 15 minutes... the dishy moved into T formation and it hasnt moved since, I am wondering if I need to reboot the dish or let it keep looking? maybe play with that connection at the dishy some more? advice would be appreciated thanks again

* scratch that I AM ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Redvv
w00t w00t!
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