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Offline - Searching (home installation)

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Hi… we have the regular (home) version of Starlink… set it up yesterday and all it does is say 'Offline - Searching'. I did the troubleshooting and sent one support ticket yesterday and another today, but I still haven't heard back from either.   I’ve done two power cycles thus far (unplugged, wait, then plug back in)… What now??  I'm surprised that I haven't had any follow-up to either of my support tickets... 

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Have you done a factory reset? Turning it off and on doesn't do much other than, well booting it on.


Factory Reset - Turns on an update seek function - Whereby when the satellite(s) ping out, your terminal says hello any updates, im running version x.x.x.x then the satellite will return saying yep, or no and the link to download it.

Your router, dishy then updates - Telling it the appropriate frequencies to a) listen on first, b) connect on and c) connection profile

Thats why new, or stowed starlink terminals don't connect immediately - because they don't have the provisioning configuration aligned to the current version of configuration on the network. So satellites don't reply back, until they have been updated.

E.g if dishy terminal is two versions out of date, needs a factory reset to get a message from the satellites saying " heres an update ". 

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I encounter the same problem. Already did two factory resets but status remains still offline and searching. Already opened a ticket and get response that service is not available in my region relating to the availability map. But thats not true. Availability map shows that service is available and my current position is in the available area. What can I do?

Current Version of Starlink is: 5564993e-1c93-4219-95b1-3fdb2373c468.uterm.release

little translation help: SUCHE means search


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Ian Turnbull USVI - unfortunately there is no customer support available by phone


I am experiencing the same "offline searching" issue, although my circumstances may be slightly different.  I acquired this Starlink setup (circular dish) as part of a home purchase.  The previous owner had been using the system with good speeds/uptime.  During the closing process, he transferred the account to me.  I have accepted the transfer, registered the account, and the billing is all setup.

@StarlinkLeader any suggestions on what to do here?  I have already (a) power cycled (b) factory reset (small button under modem) (c) submitted a support ticket



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