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Unable to Run Speed Test in Starlink IOS App

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This morning, I tried to start a speed test in the Starlink app on my iPhone. The Speed Test screen displays an error...


JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier



Once this happens, I have to shut down and restart the app to try again.

I've tried rebooting the router(s) -- I have a Starlink WIFi mesh consisting of three routers --  and the dish, but the problem keeps coming back.

I understand what "JSON Parse error" means and I think I know what "undefined" is. This would appear to indicate that something in the infrastructure is returning an invalid response when the speed test is starting.

Oh, and this seems specific to the app on the device. I can point a browser at the router -- `` -- and run a speed test with no problems.

Has anyone else seen this issue? Any idea what might be going on?




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@StarlinkLeader, IOS (iPhone 13) as you already noted. I did log out, log back in and even reboot my router and antenna. Funny thing, I could run the speed test through a web browser (Chrome) pointed at `https://dishy.starlink.com` or ``. However, not from the iPhone. The problem cleared up within 24-48. hours and has not recurred.

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  • 4 months later...

Just a note on how this has resolved.

I am now able to run speed tests from the Starlink app on my iOS device. However...

  • The first attempt to run a speed test from the router to the satellite (the default speed test) almost always fails.
    • It starts the spinning star with the message "Loading Targets".
    • After a few seconds I git an icon (circle with exclamation point) and the message, "Speed test temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
  • Exiting and re-entering the Speed Test results in a successful Speed Test.

This has been a persistent issue since September 2022 -- 4½ months at this time.

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