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Unexpected Location/Preparing Shipment When Already Delivered

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Hey there. So, this Saturday (Today) I received my starlink kit (YAY!), BUT there's some issues. After setting everything up, I realized that the website and app hadn't updated my order. It still says "Preparing Shipment", which I thought was strange, but whatever. Looking more into it, I realized that the service says "Unexpected Location" even though this is its only address to have ever been given, and actived on. I've tried a factory reset, and adjusting my location on the website. Any suggestions before I go through the maddening hassle of calling support and trying to get a knowledgeable person on the line? Probably worth nothing that I never got an email or anything from Starlink to confirm setting up my account.

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Sorry to hear you are having trouble activating your Starlink account. On first-time start up, the Starlink Antenna will orient itself and make contact with the Starlink satellite network. This can take up to an hour. In addition, the antenna (and possibly the router) will check for, download, and install any software updates that are available. This may also take a while. 

If you have not already done so, ensure the router is powered and the antenna cable is connected securely at both ends. Then, open the Starlink app on your mobile device (iOS or Android) and check the status of your equipment there.

After several hours, if you still are not connected, you can contact Starlink support by sending a message from the mobile app. They generally respond pretty quickly.

At this time, there is no way to contact support via telephone. :classic_sad:

Hope that helps

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