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USA vs. Bahamas

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I'm in the Bahamas, but before I left the US, I purchased the RV unit and had it shipped to the Bahamas where I'll be using it on  my boat. 

(I purchased it with USA address...once received, I forwarded it to the Bahamas....unit hasn't been opened.)

Is it going to fail to initiate because I purchased it in the States but I'm now in the Bahamas...or will I have issues when I return with it to the States? 

Or should I rectify the service address before initiating the unit so that I don't get some error code?

OR will it be fine...just plug and play ...let it determine my service address?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by RagTopRon
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These are all great questions. The RV units have portability built in... within the same country. So, it'll be interesting to see what happens in the Bahamas as that's pretty far outside the US.

You have the option to use Starlink Maritime product... but I'm not sure you'll like the pricing -- one-time cost (equipment) is 10,000USD and the monthly fee is 5,000USD!!!

The only think I know to do here is to reach out to Starlink Support by opening a ticket in the mobile app and ask them...

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