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SpaceX Launch Site Impacting Birds in Texas


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Hi all,Has anyone been to the SpaceX launch site in Boca Chica, Texas? I just received information about how the launch site construction has expanded over the years causing Piping Plovers (federally endangered birds that nest on beaches on Lake Superior in Wisconsin where I live) population to decrease by 54%. This shocked me because in Wisconsin the plover nests have field technicians protecting them 24/7 during the summer nesting season and they need quality habitat through their whole life cycle, including their wintering home in Boca Chica.Apparently the rocket debris, fires, and construction activities have damaged federal and state public lands surrounding the Boca Chica site. As a Starlink beta tester I am concerned about this environmental impact of the rockets which launch the Starlink satellites.The American Bird Conservancy has brought this to my attention and are asking the Federal Aviation Agency to complete a full Environmental Impact Statement. For more info see:


I recognize this isn't a typical post on how to use Starlink, but I feel we should be aware of this as beta testers.


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