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Starlink Business questions

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We are working on a job in a remote area in the Bay Area, California.  I believe Starlink is available in the area.  I have not installed or worked with Starlink Business before.  I have only seen Starlink at 1 of our job locations, but it was residential in a small setting.

This company is a Winery and is currently using a slow Peer-to-Peer network for their main building (approximately 10k square feet) to network between 2 other buildings on the property and to provide (what they call) "limited or non existent" WiFi to it's customers).  They are currently rebuilding the main buildings electrical along with lighting and they've asked us to research Satellite Internet Options.

I didn't realize Starlink offered a Business version now until today.  I've seen some reviews about it online and wound up here.  Figured I would ask here.

My Question:  Would Starlink be a viable option to supply all of the networking needs for a building like this?  From what I've heard, they  have multiple cash registers which would need to be networked together, in three separate buildings, printers, a few workstations, along with wanting to provide sufficient WiFi for it's customers (which could be upwards of 100 customers at a time).  Is this something that could work using Starlink Business ?  

Again, I haven't used Starlink Business, but I'm assuming if Starlink could provide sufficient Internet for their needs, we could install Starlink Business Satellite w/ the Ethernet adapter, run that to our main IT Closet, into a Networking (Third Party- meaning NOT Starlink) Router, Configure the Router, run it into a (Third Party) Managed Switch, from the Switch run Ethernet to workstations/printers, and also power multiple (Third Party) Wireless Access Points PoE.    Or does Starlink provide it's own Access Points?

Is this doable?  Anybody have any experience with a setup like this using Starlink or any recommendations?

Thank you

Screenshot 2023-08-01 091439.jpg

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As far as the primary business needs go -- POS, printers, workstations -- a Starlink Business account should be ideal. However, when it comes to providing WiFi connectivity for 100+ customers, I would be surprised if Starlink Business would provide enough bandwidth for this kind of usage.

As for WAPs, the Starlink High Performance Kit provided for Starlink Business customers has a single Wireless router. It also provides a standard Ethernet cable to support a standard Ethernet connection. This would allow connecting the Starlink Dish to a third-party firewall/router/switch to provide the on-premise network infrastructure you described.

Disclaimer: I have not set up this kind of network using Starlink Business. I am making assumptions based on having a Starlink High Performance Kit and knowing how it is configured. There may be some challenges in getting this all set up.

For the best information, I suggest contacting Sarlink Support using the information in the linked post below.

If you do go with Starlink Business and get this all set up, please share your experience here on the forums for the benefit of others.


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