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How to seal cable conduit to metal ground pole mount

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I am moving my dish to a newly purchased Starlink ground pole mount.  The cable will be routed inside the pole from the dish to the cable routing hole and will be in buried plastic conduit from the pole to the house,.  How do I seal the conduit to the metal pole so water does not get in?  The only thing I've seen on the Internet is a plastic LB junction box siliconed to the pole.

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That's an excellent question!

Are you certain that your cable will route inside the pole? I ask because someone here (or perhaps on the Facebook Starlink Group) has pointed out that there are two different cable ends on Starlink cables. One allows the cable to be routed inside the pole and the other does not. It has to do with the way the dish connector is shaped where it is attached to the cable.

In any case, I should think you would want a box to transition from the pole to the conduit with the Starlink cable entering and conduit exiting the box from below. This will keep water from running into the box and the conduit at the junction.

Conceptually, it all makes sense in my head, but the actual details will, of course, depend upon your installation. 

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Thanks very much for your reply.  Yes, the cable on my set-up can be routed through the inside of the pole.  A box on the pole to transition to the conduit makes sense.  The only example on the Internet I've seen is a jury-rigged modified LB box siliconed to the pole.  Presumably everyone who uses the Starlink ground pole mount must deal with the same issue because I'm assuming most people don't just run the cable along the surface to the house.  Buried conduit seems like the best option, but there are no commercial options that I know of for making the transition from the pole to a box.  I'd be interested to hear how  others have dealt with this.  Thanks again for your time.

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