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Everything posted by Trev

  1. Looking for anyone who may be running Business and Residential together. We had a number of residential units when they first came out and now have a business one along side them. In reviewing the actual throughput and latency using the app and network load balancing switches we don't see and real difference. We are looking to switch our business back to three residential units for the same cost. Has anyone else noticed this? It could definitely be just the coverage area of Eastern Canada. Our numbers were taken at the same time of day over a 7 day period.
  2. Its a known ( and major ) issue with Starlink. Our business is running 15 starlinks and I have to replace cables and adapters almost regularly throughout the winter. Once the heaters are turned off you wont have a problem. Make sure the heater is set to Auto in the app and not on all the time, that will help a little bit.
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