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Everything posted by Ted

  1. We have Starlink Best Offer service for 3 days after a very long wait. It has shown no obstructions until tonight. It is mounted on a small roof over a rear entrance to the house. North and east have no obstructions. To the south is the 2nd floor of the house and chimney which Starlink does not show any obstructions there either. However, to the west there is a tree which was not a problem for 3 days . I noticed the speed has slowed down a bit so I looked on the app and it showed red obstructions to the NW which would be where the tree is located. The dish does not appear to have moved and is still about 45 degrees to the NE. Checking the app again shows less red obstruction(says every 13 minutes obstructed) and the tree and everything else is unchanged. No storms or anything noticeable in the sky so I am uncertain how I can correct the problem. Rotation of the earth, different satellite that we are using or ? Any Help appreciated. The service is still great but just want to correct/remedy any problems I can. I just want to say that we are so grateful for this service from Starlink. We are rural and in 38 years of marriage we had dial up for quite few years then Starband and for the last 4 or 5 years Verizon DSL. Verizon DSL in the evening would be about .16 to .18 Mbps. At 4AM it was 2.3 Mbps until about 5AM and dropped to just a little bit over 1. Dial up was horrible as was Starband. Thank you for your time and again a special thanks to Starlink and Mr. Musk.
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