Thank you Ricochet for your response which has clarified the round dish confusion.
However, I obviously don't understand the fundamentals of Starlink. If the ethernet port is between the dish and the router what does the starlink router do with the transmission data.?
Effectively my house is split in three by two one metre thick granite walls. No witreless signals pass through these barriers
I want to use the Starlink router to create a wireless connection point on the first section where the dish will be located on the gable end wall.
There is an ethernet cable which is running through the first wall. At the end of that cable is an 8-port powered hub. I want to connect a seperate wireless router to a port on that switch to serve the middle bit of the house.
I there is then a cable from the 8-port hub which goes into my workshop in the third part.
Does this look feasible?
Is there anywhere I could find line drawings of existing setups in different configurations?
Thank you again for your support, it is greatly appreciated.