I purchased Starlink almost exactly 1 year ago and things worked fine. I traveled during the winter and did not use my service. On May 2nd I returned to my home area and powered up the system. I had no service, just constant going Online, offline. I spent several days following the online suggestions to try and resolve the issue. On May 9th, I submitted my first support ticket. On May 17th support closed my ticket, saying there had been an outage in my area. The outage map had not show any outages. I tested and did have service, but extremely slow. 1-2 down and 0.2 up speeds. Then on May 18th I started going offline again. I submitted another support ticket with this new info. On May 20th support closed that ticket saying that my dish is obstructed both to the East and West. They asked that I position the dish in a new location. I reopened the ticket and attached a screen shot from the app showing a clear view of the sky with no obstructions. I have stated in both support tickets that I suspect bad hardware. Still waiting for a resolution. Anyone have any ideas. Thanks