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Online/Offline Cycling That Started Suddenly

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My system just started cycling online to offline about every 6 to 10 seconds 3 days ago after working flawlessly for 1.5 years.  Totally unusable.  I work from home and using a hotspot is not a long term option.  Only 2 options I have.  I changed the location of the disk, not that the original location had any major obstructions.  I took the dish off the 150' cable and hooked it back up with the 75' cable.  No change.  Reinstalled the phone app.  Doing a factory restart now with the Gen 2 router, plugging and unplugging 6x.  I've powered it down many times.  I turn it off at night so it gets powered down every day.  I've rebooted the router many times.  Rebooted Starlink many times from the phone app.  Put in a support ticket.  The folks in support can delete duplicate tickets and let you know about it like nobody's business.  Getting back to you on the tech issue, not so much.  Not a peep in 3 days.  Not a very long time compared to other posts on other forums.  Based on comments on other forums, like redit, fb, . . ., this seems like a common issue, not just lack of tech response, but the online/offline cycling.  Some systems have come back.  Good number get replaced.  I get the impression that support does not respond right away because they want people to resolve things themselves.  The longer they wait, the fewer responses they have to make.  Getting paid to avoid doing your job.  How do I get that job?  This problem is something they've been aware of for a couple of years and should know how to fix quickly.  I talked up the system to a couple of my neighbors who ended up getting it.  We do not have a cable or fiber option where we are.  Their systems are working, but they are very concerned about the lack of tech support.  Anyone come across any good solutions for the on/off cycling?      

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I turn it off at night so it gets powered down every day...

Probably not the best idea. Starlink updates for both the Dishy antenna and your Starlink Router are delivered in the wee hours. Your current symptoms may be due to a missing update.

Turn the whole Starlink system ON before you go to bed, then let it sit overnight. Check it the next morning and see if things have changed at all...

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