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Runing Starlink and my cable internet on the same wired network?

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My property was hit by hurricane Helene in NC, USA.
25+ trees down, one landed on my shop building and punctured the roof.
A tree also smashed my green house.

Grid power, Cell phones and internet were all not working.
Text was barely working.
I have a  Sol-Ark inverter and 30,000 watts of EG4 rack battery power on my shop building and can back feed power to my house, so I had power the whole time.
I also have 2400 watts of Bi-Facial solar panels and a propane generator that can charge the batteries if they get super low.

Grid power came on 5 days later.
Internet a couple days after that.
Cell coverage went from one bar back to 5 bars.

It was during this disaster period that I decided to upgrade my systems.
I purchased Starlink and it is supposed to be delivered here today.
I bought another battery power system for the house so I will have 60,000 watts of storage.
That system will be here in a few days.
It is a EG4 18k and 6 EG4 5120 watt rack storage batteries.
The rack batteries are all Lithium, Iron, Phosphate that can be discharged down to zero  - 7000 cycles.

I would like to run Starlink and my cable internet both at the same time until I decided to cut the cable and use Starlink only.
My question is this:
I have a wired network with 5 PC's, Roku, TV and Home Assistant all on the network.
I have one phone that uses Wi-Fi and Home assistant has smart devices that use Wi-Fi
But I prefer to have wired connections on all other devices.
I have a cable modem that goes into my router and that runs my wired  network.
Can I plug the Starlink router into my main router and then select which internet connection I wish to use?
I am a little confused on how to run Starlink internet and my cable internet at the same time on my wired network?
Thanks for any help.


Edited by EL34
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  • EL34 changed the title to Runing Starlink and my cable internet on the same wired network?
  • 2 weeks later...

You will need to install a Dual-WAN router than can handle two Internet connections if you want to use both connections simultaneously. This requires somewhat advanced knowledge of networking. I've actually done this and found that it works well, but I was using a $2,500 commercial router and had someone skilled who was willing to help me with the setup.

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