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Cannot log into my Starlink account

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I just got my Starlink set up but I cannot log into my Starlink account.
It says it is connected to the internet and so the Starlink system is all working.

But I cannot login to my account
When I go to the login page it says it is sending me a verification code via email, but it never arrives

It is not getting caught in my ISP spam filter
I have been receiving emails from Starlink on the same email address.

I cannot get a SMS via cell phone because they have my VOIP phone line number.
I would like to change that to my cell number but I can't.
I have sent two emails to the address I found on this forum - starlinkresources@spacex.com
I have not got any replies from Starlink.

Everything on the Starlink support page requires me to login first.
It's a catch 22 situation here.I

I am at a loss on what to do?
Can anyone offer some help?


Edited by EL34
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I found a way around my catch 22.

Starlink had my VOIP phone number which cannot accept a security code needed to login
Their send email function does not work.
My VOIP number goes to a phone system that goes to 3 buildings and is my primary phone.

I use Magic Jack VOIP and it has a android app which I forgot about
I DL'd the magic jack app and told it to accept SMS messages.
It did and that worked.

I was then able to log into Starlink and change my phone to a cell phone number.

This was very frustrating.
There is just no way to contact Starlink
After 10 or more emails to them I got zero replies and no help.
They have my correct email address and I do receive emails from them but they do not reply to any emails

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