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Which new roof top systems to purchase for 3 new locations

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I plan to install 3 new systems, each at different locations, 2 in Chicago northern suburbs zip code 60016, 60631 and one in western rural Illinois zip code 61285.  Plan to mount them on the side outer wall of the gavel roof line. Which models would the experienced community advise.  Are there any discounts in quantities or refurbished units or special promotion deals I should explore. In one locatioin, they will be soon blow in added insulation -- is there a network cable that I could run thru the attic ahead to time to be ready to connect the dish at one end and the modem/router at the other end in the future.  In all locationis which model dish mount is advised to attach it to the side of the gavel room with some outer projection?

Thank you all,

John Lorens

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