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New Setup - Directed to log into account when trying to sign into network...

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I have went through the setup using the app and numerous videos multiple times. Did a factory reset multiple times trying to correct the issue. Each time the satellite dish moves to align with the correct satellite, so I know everything is functioning correctly. The app prompts to setup network name and password and then prompts to connect to that network. I do that and it then says to log into my account. Once logged in, it only directs me to my account and I cannot access the app. Internet connection is connected with no internet. Anytime you click on the network name, it takes you to the app and then to the account log in page. My account is setup, payment is current, equipment is on the account and active (although the line for the router is blank).

Please help! The troubleshooting "ticket" garbage has been no help...good job Elon...you get an F+ for customer support...


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Let me comment on a few things...

You wrote:


Each time the satellite dish moves to align with the correct satellite, so I know everything is functioning correctly.

Well... not exactly. Your Dishy (satellite dish) cannot align with "the correct satellite" because (a) there are thousands of Starlink satellites orbiting the earth and (b) there are NO Starlink satellites in geo-synchronous orbit... they are constantly passing by overhead. So, there is no one "correct" Satellite for you Dishy.

In fact, your Dishy is being told by the Starlink network where to point itself in the sky to find those moving Starlink satellites. The direction that your Dishy points and the angle of it's tilt toward the sky will always be the same -- unless and until Starlink decides that ALL Dishys in your area should point in a new direction or at a different angle.> 



Once logged in, it only directs me to my account and I cannot access the app.


Are you saying that the mobile app won't let you navigate to anything other than the account page?


Internet connection is connected with no internet. 

This sometimes happens after rebooting the Starlink Router and/or Dishy. Most often, it is because the Dishy or Router is downloading a software update. This can take a while -- from a few minutes to a few hours to a day or more -- and can block Internet connectivity while occurring.

So, if you have set up everything, leave it completely alone overnight and try accessing the Internet the next morning... on a laptop, a mobile device, whatever.


 The troubleshooting "ticket" garbage has been no help..

So, it seems you have opened a ticket. How long has it been since you opened the ticket? Starlink Support sometimes takes 7-10 BUSINESS days to respond to a ticket initially. Once they respond, they are usually pretty good about staying engaged and working to fix your problem. Note that this does not mean you'll get immediate responses, but usually within an hour or two. Also, please, be courteous as you communicate with Starlink Support. They are overwhelmed by the demand for Starlink Internet. Shouting (e.g., "FIX IT NOW!") or using coarse language could lengthen your response times. Trust me. I know this from first-hand experience. 😉 

Lastly, remember that your ISP (i.e., Starlink) is a startup company deploying bleeding-edge technology. Starlink are doing something here that no one has ever done before. Previous Satellite Internet Providers (e.g., HughesNet, ComSat, etc.) use completely different technologies in their Internet infrastructure. I say all of that to say this: If you came to Starlink expecting Internet services (and Customer service) on the level of the older, land- or mobile-based providers, think again. This is all a big experiment that is being commercialized as it is being developed. No one -- Starlink or anyone else -- has any idea where this will all end up

I hope some of this is helpful. Please reach out if I can be of assistance.


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  • 9 months later...

For people in the future since the reply to this issue was terrible and didn't even address the actual problem .

I had same issue as OP. Payment was current, the dish was activated, but no router was detected for the account, and any time you connect to the network you are redirected to Star Link account sign in. Also no internet

The cause of the problem was that the "address" that was attached to the account was too far away from where the dish detected its self. I called in and gave new GPS coordinates from exactly where the dish was setup. Once the account was updated all issues were resolved.

This may not resolve all issues of this nature, but its a place to start because as OP stated the customer support is atrocious at best.

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